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Governor Kawira Mwanagaza leads climate intervention forum at the United Nations

Governor Kawira Mwanagaza leads climate intervention forum at the United Nations
December 12, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza (left) poses for a photo with Ms. Amina J Mohammed, the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General (in blue), and other female Governors on the sidelines of climate action forum | PHOTO-CGM

Governor Kawira has been critical in ensuring there is no gap in terms of leadership representation at the County and national levels.

Mwangaza attended a roundtable meeting with Ms. Amina J Mohammed, the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General on climate action at the devolved level.

Their discussions majored in the role of County Governments that are at the frontline of climate action.
The meeting also discussed strategies for building resilience in communities to cope with the impacts of climate change through adaptation and mitigation.

It was resolved that a working member Group between the UN and CoG will be formed to follow through with the implementation of the key resolutions from the meeting.

In efforts to have lasting solutions to the devolved units, Mwangaza has been attending meetings at the council of governors to discuss critical issues affecting County Governments.

The issues deliberated on included: Disbursement of an equitable share of revenue, County Governments additional allocations, unbundling, costing & transfer of functions and attendant resources, anchoring of CoG Secretariat into law, Payment of Salaries for County officers not defined in the payroll system, appointment of CoG representatives in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Board; and, the Biennial Devolution Conference.

She noted that the continued delay in disbursement of funds has paralyzed County operations in the Payment of salaries to county officials, Purchase of medical supplies, stalling of development projects, and Response interventions in drought and disaster management.

The delays and the unpredictable disbursements of funds have a negative impact on service delivery and Counties run the risk of accruing pending bills.

She said the Council is calling upon the National Treasury to release all the outstanding disbursements to Counties.

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