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Governor Kuti’s plan to attract investors in Isiolo Resort City plan

Governor Kuti’s plan to attract investors in Isiolo Resort City plan
April 23, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Isiolo Governor’s Press Service

Isiolo Governor Mohamed Kuti has rallied residents to take advantage of economic opportunities to be presented by the Sh18.9 billion Isiolo Resort City.

Dr. Kuti said the resort city, a component of the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset) project, will be a boon to the expanding tourism sector in the Mt Kenya region which hosts extensive tourist attractions in Isiolo, Samburu National Park, Meru National Park, and others.

“We are going to have railway lines and international roads through Isiolo to Juba, Addis Ababa, and Cape Town, Isiolo Mandera route, petroleum refinery. We must position ourselves to take advantage of these developments,” said Kuti.

‘’We have embarked on new plans to encourage investors to put their money into our county so that they can supplement what the county is offering to improve the economy and transform lives of our people,’’ he said, noting that the county is among devolved units that receive low revenue allocations from the central government.

He spoke when he held discussions with USAID Kenya and East Africa Head of Mission Mark Andrew Meassick, Mike Desisti, Regional Director USAID Food for Peace, Jessica Coulibaly (Deputy Regional Director USAID Food For Peace) on the launch of NAWIRI, a five-year nutrition improvement program to be implemented in partnership with county government.

Kuti said it is envisaged the resort city will provide the environment for increased trade, sports, leisure, entertainment, education, and additional infrastructural development.

“Other benefits we expect include improved security due to these investments and markets for different products from our farmers and other groups engaged in different economic activities,” said the governor.

Kuti said the resort city project will provide jobs for both skilled and unskilled labor for the local youth, improved infrastructure like roads, railway, Airport and information communications, and attraction of foreign and local investors.

“We must be ready to take up these opportunities,” he added.

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