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How Marsabit County Government shared money for development

How Marsabit County Government shared money for development
December 19, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

The County Government of Marsabit established key priority areas of concentration in the current financial year where the department of health was the biggest beneficiary after receiving Ksh 766,763,800 to handle the infrastructural related projects.

The County Assembly and the executive agreed to use more than ksh3.7 billion shillings on development to be shared by all the department of the Government.

Having acute water shortages in most parts of the year, the county water department received Ksh 645,136200 to develop the sector.

The department of public works received 537,750,000 to handle road and infrastructure related development works in the county.

The department of physical planning and development received a total of Ksh 255,650,000 while finance and economic planning received 40,000,000.The sector of agriculture received Ksh 410,820,000 while the department of culture and social services was allowed to use Ksh 120,300,000.

Trade and industry department received 104,600,000 to empower the local residents on matters of trade and investment in order to improve the economy of the county.

Despite ICT being a key driver in the development of all sectors, the department of administration and ICT received the least amount where it was allocated Ksh15,950,000.

The County Assembly accepted an allocation of Ksh 145,000,000 to use on various activities this financial year.

Various departments are now working hard to ensure growth in all the sectors because their performance plays a crucial role on the public opinion of the performance of the government.

The budget also allowed the county executive to utilize Ksh 360,000,000 on various activities



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