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Isiolo abattoir paints an image of hope for socio-economic transformation

Isiolo abattoir paints an image of hope for socio-economic transformation
March 28, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

A section of the Isiolo Abbatoir that is expected to serve resident’s needs upon completion. PHOTO-Boniface Mutahi

By Gerald Mutethia

Isiolo Abattoir once operational will be an economic game changer by creating opportunities for county residents in the tannery industry, animal feeds, and meat processing.

Isiolo County Agriculture CECM Jusuf Mohamed affirmed that the ravaging droughts that led to the loss of 50% of the county livestock particularly cattle would have been evaded if the Abattoir was functional.

“I am sure if our Abattoir was operational, we would have cushioned our herders from the huge losses occasioned by the current severe drought,’’ Yusuf Said.

Isiolo County Agriculture chief officer Salad Tatana said the initial stages of operation, the Abattoir would accommodate the slaughtering of about 1000 shoats, 200 heads of cattle, and 100 camels per day

Isiolo Resident’s source of income is largely attributed to livestock husbandry mainly cattle, Shoats, and Camel, Salad pointed out that access to both local and international markets for meat and value-added meats products will be a key benefit among other gains.

Isiolo County Secretary Dadhe Boru accompanied by other dignitaries held a successful meeting with the National Project coordination unit (NCPU) to expedite the remaining bit.

According to Boru, the abattoir is poised to create hundreds of job opportunities for the local youths.

Boru further expressed Governor Abdi Ibrahim’s commitment to fully operationalizing the abattoir.

“Governor Abdi is passionate about the abattoir and wants its operation soonest possible, He has, due to the current, drought suspended all developments project but has given his blessings for funds to be utilized in the completion of the abattoir,’’ Boru said.

The adverse effect of climate change coupled with the failure over the years to access the international market have both subjected the resident to huge losses.

Mr. John Nginyagi the chair of NCPU said that his team was impressed by the progress made but asked that work on its operationalization be expedited.

“We are happy with the progress made so far on the Isiolo Abattoir but we would like to see that these are done at a faster phase without compromising on quality as expected by the world bank,’’ Nginyagi said adding that the abattoir holds great potential for the economic transformation of Isiolo county.

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