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Kawira’s strategy of supporting students and teachers in Meru County

Kawira’s strategy of supporting students and teachers in Meru County
May 10, 2021 Eastern Newspaper

 By Eastern Newspaper correspondent

Students and teachers in Meru County at a time when the world is hit by the deadly Corona Virus Meru Woman Representative, Kawira Mwangaza is providing community water storage solutions to the vulnerable members of the society.

Over the last few months, the MP has traversed the sub-counties to hand over tanks of various capacities to families, for storage of water to maintain hygiene in the community.

The tanks, in addition to storing water for domestic purposes, it has also provided an important solution in keeping Covid-19 at bay.

This is happening after the completion of a rescue center for Meru County that she constructed at Kianjai using the National Government Affirmative Action Fund, NGAAF, a grant that is managed by Women representatives in the country.

This is the first government rescue facility in the region built to cater to the people who are struggling with social issues that are affecting society not only in Meru but also in other counties.

From Akirang’ondu in Igembe, Chugu in Imenti, to Kiguchwa in Tigania, and Mitoone in Buuri, Mwangaza issued tanks to families through her Okolea project which targets vulnerable households.

Schools and children’s homes have also not been left behind with Karima primary school one of the institutions which received the water tanks, desks, and other educational materials as schools struggle with a shortage of funds.

The women rep is also supporting Children from financially vulnerable households with pairs of school uniforms, masks to guard against the virus, and other assistance.

“The family of Gitoro primary school is very happy with the desks which the woman rep has given us. We had a big challenge and we are happy she provided them as she did in other areas,” said the headteacher.

Mwangaza said her interventions are geared towards reaching out to people who need assistance at this time, and she would do everything to reach more.

“As I go round my county distributing water tanks, lockers, chairs, and other commodities to schools and other groups, I aim to address the needs of the people,” she said.

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