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Kibirichia Boys High School: Is it the end of a Sporting era?

Kibirichia Boys High School: Is it the end of a Sporting era?
December 2, 2021 Eastern Newspaper

Kibirichia High School Football Club

By Hillary Mukasa

In yesteryears when the name Kibirichia High School was mentioned Football, Rugby, Tennis, Handball, Music and Drama Festivals rang a bell in the mind. So iconic was the school in sporting activities that it was a symbol of sports in the region. Most of the teams represented from the school represented Eastern Province in the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) National games. If all these teams put Kibirichia on the sporting map of Kenya then it is in football that the school made the biggest mark. It was difficult to talk about football in the region and not mention Kibirichia Boys Secondary. It was also difficult to mention Kibirichia Secondary School and not to talk about football. Football in the School was synonymous with success. In 2013 the flamboyant boys of Kibirichia played against Kathungi High School in the Provincial finals of the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) Football Championship at Kangaru High School in Embu. The Kibirichia Head Coach was Mr. Mburugu who doubled up as the Deputy Principal of the school. The Principal was Mr. Kiugu. Back then in school, Mr. Mburugu was football and football was Mr. Mburugu. Mr. Mburugu was everything in terms of support. He ensured there were sports equipment and the facilities were well taken care of. The prolific teacher organized high-profile friendly matches against experienced institutions such as KeMU and played in open tournaments that ensured the boys got the required exposure. He scouted great players during friendly matches and beefed up his squad meticulously. The football team under Mburugu clinched the Kenya University Sports Association (KUSA-CENTRAL) Open Championship in football against Kenyatta University in the finals in Meru at Kaaga Primary. That was not a mean achievement for a high school to topple a mighty University side.

In 2012 the Kibirichia glamour boys reached the promised land of secondary school football when they beat their arch-rivals Kathungi High School 2-0 in Kitui to represent the region in the National Championship. The Championship was held in Shanzu in Mombasa. Do you know who was the Coach? It had to be Mr. Mburugu. Before Mr. Mburugu’s era, there was yet another passionate Head Coach and Deputy Principal by the name of Mr. Patrick Ithinji. He helped set up the football structures in the school and was equally passionate about sports. He led Kibirichia High School to the finals of the KSSSA Provincial Championship in football on numerous occasions. The school produced polished footballers such as Melvin “pass master” Muthomi, Yussuf Khamisi, Washington Muhande, Mtalii, Fuad, the late Lewa, Noor Munene, Makale Ken “Chicha” Mutembei, and Jefferson Kairi a dead ball specialist amongst many others. Most of these players have played in the top-tier leagues like Thika United and Poster Rangers. Some of the players joined KeMU to study and played for the team in the FKF Nationwide League. For a long time Kibirichia was a feeder for teams such as Meru Mahakama FC and Mutindwa from Meru. Will these nostalgic memories ever be back at Kibirichia High School the sporting Kings?

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