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Maralal’s Ksh 2.6 billion road project to keep dust away from the residents

Maralal’s Ksh 2.6 billion road project to keep dust away from the residents
May 26, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

A section of Maralal Town

By correspondent

Residents of Maralal town in Samburu county and the adjacent areas have a reason to smile after an announcement by the government that the construction of the 65-kilometer highway is set to be complete soon.

According to Infrastructure Principal Secretary, Paul Maringa the  12 KM road covering the town will open the urban center and create many opportunities not only for the residents but also for new investors in the town.

The PS observed that the Ksh 2.6 billion projects will uplift the previously dusty town to the status of a modern urban center with thriving business and tourism activities.

‘ As a government, we are committed to completing these projects as soon as possible because all the resources are ready and the stakeholders are working round the clock to ensure speedy completion of the project; Maringa told the media.

The PS  added that the project will also include several Corporate Social Responsibility activities when completed as a way of benefitting the community even further and ensuring their social-economic development at the most appropriate time.

The tarmac road covers most of the urban areas and will also connect several public institutions like the Maralal Referral Hospital and other government offices.

Previously, residents of the town have been complaining of dust, especially during the dry seasons a situation that has been negatively affecting their economic activities that including livestock trade and other forms of businesses in the town.

The county government of Samburu has also been carrying out activities like the construction of a modern market and improving facilities at the referral hospital to grow the town whose population has been growing in the recent past.

The county government’s Department of Lands, Physical Planning and Housing have initiated a vigorous process of titling land in the town and other areas of the county in a move to enable property owners to develop the town further.

In a recently released notice, the CEC member in charge of the department, Peinan Loronyokie told the plot owners in Maralal town to provide the necessary documents to enable his office to complete the process of availing title deeds.

Maralal town has been a key revenue point for the county government and an administrative unit for the national government where many residents of the county rely on when it comes to getting services from the government and also participating in various economic activities.

All these activities are sometimes affected by cases of insecurity related to cattle-rustling in the area.

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