Despite the increased activities along the relatively new Isiolo-Marsabit-Moyale Highway, the once bustling Merille Township is still in slumber.
While Archers Post, Loglogo and Laisamis towns along the beautifully carpeted highway are doing well in terms of trade, Merille is downcast and yet to reap the benefits of the project, credited to retired President Mwai Kibaki.
The Merille center was in the past a beehive of activity, with trade in livestock key to its growth.
It is a strategically located town which has the potential to grow into a key economic center, including in the livestock arena which has great potential.
Residents say if they only had the infrastructure to engage in economic activities.
“When it comes to livestock few areas can match our enterprise. We have large herds, large enough to support profitable tanning business. Merille town can become famous for curio shops because we have the talent and enough leather for various items. Tourists stopping here would need hotels and other facilities and further boost the economic growth here. But this remains just a dream because Merille is not the once important town it was,” said Mohamed Abdi, a local.
But while other towns along the road now boast of bigger hotels, banks, petrol stations due to increase in vehicles in the area and other commercial development, Merille residents are wondering the reasons behind the lack of development in the area.
Marsabit Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo told a recent dialogue forum at Moi Girls in Marsabit town that the Governor Ali Mohamud administration would revamp the Merille market to boost trade in the area.
Mr. Gubo told a concerned elder that the Merille market belonged to all in Marsabit and the administration was keen to raise its profile.
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[…] Also read https://themasharikinewspaper.com/merille-town-in-slumber-as-residents-cry-for-infrastructure/ […]