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MPs Rindikiri, Jaldesa fault Kenya Ferry Services over Sh.300 million “fast tracking” fee

MPs Rindikiri, Jaldesa fault Kenya Ferry Services over Sh.300 million “fast tracking” fee
February 27, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Buuri MP Rindikiri Mugambi has slammed the move by the government to pay an additional Sh.300 million to fast track the delivery of a new ferry.

Appearing before the National Assembly Transport Committee, Kenya Ferry Services MD Baraka Gowa revealed that taxpayers will have to cough up an additional 300 million for the ferry after the government ordered for the fast tracking of the process.

Mr Baraka told the David Pkosing chaired committee that the ferry MV Safari was due in November 2017 but the process was delayed after KFS was sued over alleged irregular awarding of tenders.

“KFS was sued for unprocedurally terminating a contract to supply the ferries and this delayed the process. After we appealed the ruling, the contractor asked us to pay another USD3 million (Sh300 million) for delaying the contract” Gowa told the lawmakers.

The Buuri Constituency lawmaker slammed the decision terming it a waste of tax payers’ money.

“It is strange that the government has to pay such huge sums of money in the guise of fast tracking fees. I have never encountered such fees in government or heard of anything like that” Mugambi said.

Isiolo Woman Representative Rehema Jaldesa accused the MD of sleeping on the job noting that he had severally failed to provide crucial information when called upon.

“The MD is not serious with his job because if he was he wouldn’t be coming here with information in pieces which can’t offer sufficient answers” Jaldesa said.

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