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New machine to detect talents in children for counties in Kenya

New machine to detect talents in children for counties in Kenya
December 6, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Meru County Deputy Governor Rev Isaac Mutuma receives a talent machine manual from World Talent Federation Secretary General Prof Humphrey Oborah | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Kuura Ibeere and CGM Press

Meru County is set to benefit from a unique talent detection machine that will enable people, especially the youth to know their talents early enough.

The Ksh 17 million Anthropo-biometric machines will be installed at Kinoru stadium in Meru town to enable thousands of residents to benefit from the same.

World Talent Federation Secretary General Prof Humphrey Oborah in October 2022, informed the county government of Meru that the Anthropo-Biometric Talent Clinic in Meru County to be set in Meru will enable the residents of the county and the neighboring areas to know the strong and weak areas of their children and even the adults after a scientific brain test.

The Anthropo-Biometric Talent kits are 3D optical sensing equipment that helps predict careers 20-30 years in advance among other essential benefits. Assessment can be administered from age five onward without an age cap.

‘The human brain is divided into four parts that are interconnected; the front brain is the thinking brain that interprets for the entire body. The brain parts are separated by a thin membrane and it is further divided into two parts right and left and then lower and upper’ Prof Oborah said.

The scientist further explained that the machine uses color codes to locate the strong and weak parts of the brain depending on an area.

‘ The left upper brain is for science, the right upper is called the volcanic brain that that empowers masculine activities, the lower right brain is for physical strength like for sports while the lower left brain is the decision making the part that creates thinkers and strategic planners’ Prof Oborah added.

Courtesy of this partnership, Meru is among five counties in Kenya that have received a one-of-a-kind anthropobiometric kit that utilizes 3d optical sensing technology to explore and forecast human values like talent, potential, and inborn proficiency.

According to sources at the county government, the process of fully installing the Sh17 million machine at Kinoru stadium is at the advanced stages. Its biggest beneficiaries will be children and the youth.

Speaking on behalf of Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza during the reporting event, deputy governor Isaac Mutuma thanked the World Talent Federation for choosing Meru County to be one of the beneficiaries of the noble project that will transform the lives of many young people in the county.

‘We are lucky to be among the counties that have benefited from this initiative, we promise to play our role as a government to ensure that the project impacts positively to our people’ Mutuma said

The kit will also be able to assess the experience and life achievements of people who dropped out of school for one reason or another to gauge their experiential credibility and enable them to access institutions of higher learning.

Anthropo-biometric machine unit | PHOTO-Courtesy

This partnership will fully harness all the mental resources in society, combat mental health issues, provide affordable credit and mentorship to youths who want to explore entrepreneurship and other talent-based careers as well as address youth unemployment.
The talent reports derived from this assessment can be used to gain university admission and other life engagements for a person in the future.

The Youth Enterprise Fund management revealed that IT will be using reports from the machine in the evaluation and funding of individuals and groups to ensure the projects and programs succeed.
The equipment does not emit harmful radiation and is therefore as safe as the biometric machines used to frisk people at supermarkets and airports.

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