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Residents want new Embu Water Company boss to deliver

Residents want new Embu Water Company boss to deliver
September 28, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Mugendi Kangichu

Consumers of water from the Embu Water and Sanitation Company (Ewasco) expect improved services after the appointment of a new managing director.

In the past, locals said, the experienced perennial water shortage but now expectations are high that the new boss, Felix Mutura, will offer them better services.

The appointment of Mr Mutura is also expected to end wrangles at the water and sewerage services provider.

Mutura replaced Hamilton Karugendo at the multi-million company who had served since 2004.

The new leadership is expected to end wrangles between Ewasco and Embu Workers Union, who had locked horns over collective bargaining agreement, said Obed Mwathi, the Kenya County Government Workers Union Secretary (Embu chapter).

Mwathi said under the previous management there was bad blood between workers and the management, something that always gave the union sleepless nights.

He urged Ewasco employees to be united and work closely as a team and not in any way allow external and internal forces to divide them, noting that division among the workers would lead to unnecessary service delays and interruptions.

Karen Mugendi, a resident of Muthatari area, said they expect the new MD to streamline operations and foster good relations among all the players, especially the consumers.

“It was taking an agonizingly long time to repair even broken pipes which deprived us of the essential commodity. I am hopeful the new MD  will work to ensure we have an acceptable level of services,” she said.

Peter Ngari, from Kamiu village in the outskirts of Embu town, said: “The incessant wrangles between the worker’s union and the Ewasco were the main reason for the poor services. Like others, I expect a marked improve

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