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Samburu livestock market performs well despite the rains

Samburu livestock market performs well despite the rains
June 18, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

A recent market survey conducted by the government has recorded stability in the prices of many domestic animals kept by the residents of Samburu County.

The current rains have discouraged livestock keepers from quickly disposing of their animals. According to a report released by the Draught Management Authority, cattle prices are going up, unlike goat and sheep.

Cattle Prices

Despite the prolonged dry spell, markets are still vibrant and functioning well as was evident by the stable in cattle prices remaining at Ksh 19,000 compared to Ksh 18,545 in March.

The good prices can be attributed to fair body condition and also high demand considering few are brought to the markets as most are in dry season grazing areas. Markets recorded almost similar prices with the least price being Ksh 18,000 and the highest being Ksh 22,500 recorded in Lolkuniani.

Goat Prices

There has been a steady, marginal decline in goat prices since January attributed to market forces although body condition for goats remains good to fair.

The average price fell by 3 percent in April from Ksh 2794 in March to Ksh 2706 in April and May. The decline was also attributed to reopening of schools which might have seen an influx of goats in the market thus pushing down the prices.

Illaut market fetched the least price at Ksh 2000 whereas Lolkuniani fetched the highest at Ksh 4200. Other markets prices ranged in between the highest and lowest.

Sheep Prices

Similarly like goat prices, sheep prices have also been on the decline since the beginning of the year despite good to fair body condition.

The average price fell by 3 percent in April from Ksh 2294 in March to Ksh 2213 in April Lolkuniani market recorded the highest price of between Ksh 3,200 and Ksh 3,500 while Illaut recorded the least between Ksh 1,500 and Ksh 1,700. Other markets recorded an average of between Ksh 2,000 to Ksh 2,200.

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