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Samburu residents express mixed reactions over Cabinet reshuffle

Samburu residents express mixed reactions over Cabinet reshuffle
September 12, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Samburu County Governor Lati Lelelit at a past function

By Gerald Kibaki

Some said they were in full support of the Governor’s move said to be aimed at improving service delivery while others castigated the move saying corruption is a thorn in the flesh and those culpable should not be reshuffled but shown the door.

Governor Jonathan Lelelit reshuffled his Cabinet saying the changes are aimed at improving service delivery after seven months of their appointment.

However, some departments have been on the spot over graft. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission last week opened investigations into claims of conflict of interest, abuse of office, and procurement irregularities in the county.

“We must be answerable to the people of Samburu County. And we all must know the work bestowed upon us is to uplift the lives of Samburu and as much as I will be answerable to them in 2027, we must perform. This is a normal reorganization. We have started with a few executive members but more changes will be announced in the coming weeks,” Lelelit said.

Lemuna Peter said residents fully support the governor.

“We fully support the governor? But then why retain the Directors? These are the technocrats and Master cartels holding departmental programs and should as well be reshuffled,” he said.

Joseph Lepariyo said corruption should not be reshuffled unless one is double-minded on the issue.
Lopi Lomoosa said that is recycling corruption adding that anybody found practicing corruption practice should be sacked and not reshuffled since he/she will continue with the same in a different department.

Rose Lekalesoi swapped positions with Moses Leluata where he will be the CEC for the Department of Roads, Transport and Public Works while Leluata becomes the Water, Environment, Climate Change, and Energy Executive with immediate effect.

The Governor also reassigned some of the departmental directors Sammy Lenanyokie was moved from the Revenue Department to the Cooperatives directorate.

Joseph Kilonzo will serve at the Directorate of Agriculture while Tom Lesarge takes over the Department of Water, Environment, and Natural Resources.

Ben Lengalen was transferred from the Department of Environment, Water, and Natural Resources to the Samburu Reserve Directorate.

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