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Mwangaza unveils 2023-2027 development road-map

Mwangaza unveils 2023-2027 development road-map
June 5, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Governor Kawira Mwangaza poses for a photo with Deputy Governor Mutuma M’Ethingia and other government officials during the launch of the 2023-2027 CIDP | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Mutethia

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza on Monday unveiled her administration’s 3rd generation County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP).

Mwangaza said the plan aims at modernizing the transport network where the government will modernize over 4,500kms of infrastructure, expanding access to quality healthcare, and education, and upgrading essential utilities.

“I am honored to have presided over the launch of this visionary dream which will serve as a multi-sectoral developmental blueprint until 2027. It marks a significant milestone in our journey towards progress, innovation, and prosperity,” Mwangaza said.

Mwangaza said the CIDP document encompasses a wide range of initiatives and projects aimed at uplifting the Meru economy, enhancing infrastructure, improving public service delivery, promoting social welfare, and preserving our natural resources.

Mwangaza added that the plan embodies the collective aspirations and ambitions of the Ameru community, aligning seamlessly with the promises outlined in her manifesto.

The launch was climaxed by the cutting of a cake with the words Making Meru Happy inscribed on it.

“With an estimated worth of Sh11 billion, this ambitious plan sets the stage for transformative growth and sustainable development in our county. It also prioritizes initiatives that promote equal opportunities, support vulnerable populations, and enhance the overall well-being of the people of Meru,” she said.

Mwangaza said several stakeholders contributed their expertise, insights, and unwavering support in the formulation of the plan.

“Together, we will work tirelessly to realize our shared vision and create a brighter future for our county,” she said.

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