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Senator Gideon Moi drums up support for Big Four, urges leaders to shun politics

Senator Gideon Moi drums up support for Big Four, urges leaders to shun politics
May 13, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has called on leaders to shun politics and instead focus on the delivery of President Kenyatta’s development agenda for the country as envisioned in the Big Four.

Speaking at MCK Runogone in Imenti North constituency of Meru County, the Senator said politicking on the Big Four agenda was a great disservice to Kenyans as every corner of the republic was set to benefit from the program.

“We should not dwell too much on politics for now. Let us focus on helping the President deliver his promise to Kenyans. In fact, each region has a particular item in the Big Four agenda… In Baringo, for instance, our favorite is Universal Healthcare because a lot of our people have been suffering” The senator said.

Senator Moi also appealed to Kenyans and political leaders to support the handshake between President Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga saying that it means well for the country.

He urged Kenyans to be careful with the leaders they elect adding that they should be able to perform their roles diligently.

“Before choosing a leader, the most important question you should ask is whether you can trust that person with the future of your children.” Mr. Moi said.

Others who attended the function were; Igembe North MP Maoka Maore, Homabay County Woman Rep Gladys Wanga, William Kamket (Tiaty), Mercy Gakuya (Kasarani), Nominated Mp Maina Kamanda and former Minister Kilemi Mwiria.

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