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Song and dance as Meru MCAs and Governor Kawira reconcile

Song and dance as Meru MCAs and Governor Kawira reconcile
February 20, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Governor Kawira Mwangaza, W/Rep Kailemia Karambu and MCAs pose for a photo moments after the ward reps and Governor Mwangaza agreed to work together | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent
Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza and Meru county assembly MCAs have agreed to settle their differences for the benefit of Mwananchi.
The two camps have not been seeing eye to eye with intense accusations and counter-accusations of bitter words that culminated in the impeachment of Governor Mwangaza.
Things escalated to a level where the MCAs walked out on Mwangaza as she delivered her first speech while opening the third county assembly.
Speaking at the county precincts on Monday evening, Governor Mwangaza said they had both reached an amicable solution to their struggles and agreed to work in tandem to champion developments to Mwanganchi.
“Today, members of the fourth estate have good news to report. I thank God, President William Ruto;  his Deputy, Rigathi Gachagua, speaker Ayub Bundi and all MCAs. Let those who enjoyed and celebrated our disagreements be ashamed and defeated. We have avoided our differences, the impeachers and impeached are not in agreement. We forgive and forget. The past is behind us,” Mwangaza said.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua with the blessings of his boss Ruto initiated a reconciliation process where he met the Meru MCAs and MPs, Governor Kawira Mwangaza, and other leaders in the county at his home in Nyeri.
“This evening, at my home in Nyeri, I met MCAs and MPs in a bid to broker peace between them and Governor Mwangaza as directed by President William Ruto,” Gachagua had said in early January.
On December 30, 2022, Senate rejected the impeachment of Governor Mwangaza on the basis that the charges were not substantiated.
Mwangaza was accused of nepotism, illegal appointments, unlawful dismissal, and disregard of the Constitution and statutory functions of county organs.

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