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The University of Embu creates a good time with Embu convicts to support them

The University of Embu creates a good time with Embu convicts to support them
May 26, 2022 Eastern Newspaper


A section of University of Embu staff donates foodstuff to Embu GK Prison | PHOTO-UoE

By UoE and Correspondent,

The University of Embu has been leading efforts for the social-economic development of the county residents in various spheres.

Recently a section of the university management visited the Embu GK Main Prison under the umbrella of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) to share a word of encouragement and Christmas goodies.

The team was led by Registrar Academic Research and Extension (ARE), Prof. Jackson Wachira. Various items were donated courtesy of the University Corporate Social Investment and voluntary contributions from staff and students in support of the initiative.

Speaking during the function, Prof Wachira noted that the University minds the welfare of the neighboring community by a way of remembering the less fortunate members in their time of need.

He said inmates at the correctional facilities have an opportunity to change their lives and become good citizens who can participate fully in the building of the nation.

‘As a University, one of our key mandates is to transform the lives of the people not in lectures but also in participation in other social development activities with the community, we feel happy to have a good time with the inmates in this facility and the program will be extended to other areas’ Prof Wachira said.

The inmates moved a vote of thanks indicating great joy for the love that the University fraternity extended to them.

Since its inception, the University of Embu has been running various programs that are aimed at uplifting the lives of the community, not only in the neighborhood but also in other parts of the country.

Recently the Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit ranked the University of Embu as one of the best managed and fast-growing new educational institutions in the country.

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