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Tributes flow for Veteran Vioja Mahakamani actor Gibson Gathu

Tributes flow for Veteran Vioja Mahakamani actor Gibson Gathu
December 22, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Actor Gibson Mbugua (Right) in action during a past Vioja Mahakamani show with Alphonse Makacha | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Eastern Correspondent

Veteran Vioja Mahakamani TV actor Gibson Mbugua Gathu who was popular on the screen as a prosecutor (Kiongozi wa mashtaka) is dead.

The sad news of his demise has been received with sympathy by colleagues and Meru residents who recall his articulate acting and grasp of legal proceedings that endeared him to many as a ‘prosecutor’ on the scenes of the program that featured on KBC TV between 7:30-8:00 pm.

Lawyer Paul Mugambi while remembering how he could be glued to the TV to watch his favorite program wrote, “As a Lawyer, this non-lawyer was my hero. My condolences to his family and KBC fraternity.”

KBC released a statement on Thursday morning confirming his death.

In July, Gathu appealed for financial help from Kenyans to get a kidney transplant with former President Uhuru Kenyatta contributing Sh2 million to his medical kitty.

Gathu’s colleagues including Lucy Wangui who played the magistrate’s role, Mathias Keya alias Makacha Alfonse Makokha and Hiram Mungai have always stood with the actor including rallying Kenyans in financial aid to settle his hospital bills.

“Gibson has been managing diabetes for over 20 years now, but sometime in November 2020 his kidneys failed hence he has been going for dialysis twice a week,” the appeal read.

Gibson has graced the silver screen for almost three decades and is considered a trailblazer in the local scene.

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