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Why AFC opened a branch in Samburu

Why AFC opened a branch in Samburu
January 3, 2021 Eastern Newspaper

BY Eastern Newspaper Correspondent

Residents of various parts of Samburu County have in the recent past embraced the modern commercial engagements among themselves and also with other communities as lifestyles change in various areas. Previously the Samburu people were known for their livestock keeping that has minimal commercial elements.

The growth of the education sector and the coming of devolution as creating more opportunities for the residents of the vast county where many of them are now involving themselves in commercial activities like cereals trade, Miraa business, transport, and tourism. This scenario has attracted many players in the money market who include savings and credit institutions like SACCOs and commercial banks.

SACCOs like solution SACCO and Trans Nation SACCO have recruited agents in many corners of the county where they are actively recruiting members.

Samburu Deputy Governor Julius Luseeto has been urging the local community to embark on activities that will help them to develop economically.

Commercial banks like equity have also opened their branches in towns like Maralal and Archers Post. The most recent entry is the agricultural finance corporation who recently opened its Maralal branch.

Farmers will now easily access credit by using their title deeds as collateral. This is a huge opportunity after 10,000 title deeds were issued by the President to residents of Samburu West a week ago.

Now people with title deeds can use them as loan securities to enable them access financing from AFC and other financial institutions.

Speaking during the event, the leaders present appealed to farmers to scale up and commercialize agriculture. Leaders also warned communities not to fall into the trap of aimless land selling.

Principal Secretary Dr. Richard Lesiyampe and Samburu County Commissioner John Korir revealed that the national government is committed to ensuring that the residents of Samburu have shunned away from the outdated practices like cattle rustling and to embrace the modern ways of living like engagement in commercial activities.

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