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Why I want to be Isiolo North MP in 2022- Lucy Mworia

Why I want to be Isiolo North MP in 2022- Lucy Mworia
May 10, 2021 Eastern Newspaper

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent

Renowned human rights activist and peace crusader Lucy Nyoroka Mworia has vowed to continue with the battle of capturing the Isiolo North parliamentary seat in the next general elections.  Mworia who is currently serving in Governor Kuti’s County Public Service Board as a member believes that she has all it takes to topple the current Member of Parliament Hassan Odha.

Having been brought up and married in Isiolo Mworia has the confidence of swimming in the mud of politics as the general elections approach. Speaking to The Eastern Newspaper, Mworia says if elected, her main focus will be the empowerment of women and the vulnerable members of the society in Isiolo North Constituency.

‘I was brought up in Isiolo, I schooled in Isiolo, and all my life I have been in Isiolo for the longest time meaning I understand the issues of my people at all levels. What residents of Isiolo require at the moment is good leadership that will transform their lives.

Mworia also studied and lived in the USA, but says she decided to come back home for what she is calling rescuing her people from the chains of poverty, illiteracy, and upholding human dignity.

She says her main focus will be boosting the education sector to empower the young people who are the main stakeholders in the development of society.

‘Education will be my priority, I will ensure the young people have access to basic and tertiary education to enable the constituency to have productive and influential people who will transverse the world and come back to build our constituency and county at large.

The aspirant feels it is time for women in Isiolo to take the mantle of leadership and contribute to the growth and well-being of the people of Isiolo especially on the issue of insecurity that is greatly affecting the business and the economy of the constituency.

In the 2017 general elections Lucy Mworia, running for a Member of Parliament post emerged third, losing to the current MP Hassan Odha.

She holds good academic papers from various institutions in Kenya and the USA that include a Master’s degree in development from St Paul’s University and a Degree in nursing from Everest University College, San Diego California USA. She is the founder of the Sitatunga Trust that is involved in conservation activities and also serving in the Merti Technical Training Institute Board.

Isiolo constituency has previously been served by various Members of Parliament including Lawi M’Nkubitu who was elected as the first MP of the constituency in 1966. The current Governor Mohamed Kuti represented the people of the constituency in the National Assembly for a decade from 2002 before becoming a Senator of Isiolo county for five years.

Isiolo North Constituency that hosts the Isiolo town and county headquarters has a population of 100,176 people according to the latest census with the majority of the residents being business people and pastoralists.

The cosmopolitan electoral area was established in 1966 and it is inhabited by people from various communities who include the Borana, Meru, Turkana, Samburu, Somali, Kikuyu, and others.

The aspirant feels it is time for women in Isiolo to take the mantle of leadership and contribute to the growth and well-being of the people of Isiolo especially on the issue of insecurity that is greatly affecting the business and the economy of the constituency.

In the 2017 general elections Lucy Mworia, running for a Member of Parliament post emerged third, losing to the current MP Hassan Odha.

She holds good academic papers from various institutions in Kenya and the USA that includes a Master’s degree in development from St Paul’s University and a Degree in nursing from Everest University College, San Diego California USA. She is the founder of the Sitatunga Trust that is involved in conservation activities and also serving in the Merti Technical Training Institute Board.

Isiolo constituency has previously been served by various Members of Parliament including Lawi M’Nkubitu who was elected as the first MP of the constituency in 1966. The current Governor Mohamed Kuti represented the people of the constituency in the National Assembly for a decade from 2002 before becoming a Senator of Isiolo county for five years.

Isiolo North Constituency that hosts the Isiolo town and county headquarters has a population of 100,176 people according to the latest census with the majority of the residents being business people and pastoralists.

The cosmopolitan electoral area was established in 1966 and it is inhabited by people from various communities who include the Borana, Meru, Turkana, Samburu, Somali, Kikuyu, and others.

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