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Meru University’s stake in President Uhuru’s development agenda

Meru University’s stake in President Uhuru’s development agenda
April 24, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Meru University of science and technology has hit the ground running in playing its role in supporting President Uhuru Kenyatta’s big four agenda in the area of training.

Speaking during his inauguration ceremony and Meru University’s 6th graduation ceremony at the University grounds, the new Vice-Chancellor Prof Romanus Odhiambo said that the university is working on a memorandum of understanding with other government technical training institutions to widen the opportunities of training the young people in the region.

Prof Odhiambo said technical courses are of great importance in catapulting the governments’ development agenda, especially in the infrastructural and technological fields.

The University has put emphasizes on science and technology that will lead to innovations as well as agriculture that is aimed at addressing the issue of food security as enshrined in the National government’s big four agenda.

The VC also revealed that the University has embraced the process of digitizing examination process as a move to improve on service delivery.

He said Meru University is the only science and technology university in the upper eastern region of Kenya and its committed to investing even more in technological research and innovations aimed at addressing numerous issues and challenges facing the society today.

Prof Odhiambo commended the university students who have won prizes and recognized in various science and innovation exhibitions and conferences.

‘ We are working with partners and the National government to support research in this university. We have already availed funds to support this noble cause that is vital to our world today, I want to express my commitment to support this initiative together with the entire Meru University of science and technology fraternity’ Prof Odhiambo said.

On the issue of food security, the VC told the congregation that the institution has empowered the department of agriculture to use modern technology in crop production and animal husbandry in order to release well-skilled people in the area as well as generate income to run the university operations.

Speaking at the same ceremony Meru University Chancellor Dr. James Mwangi commended the new university management and the local community for working together for the wellbeing of the institution.

Dr. Mwangi challenged the grandaunts to embrace innovative ways of creating employment in the outside world to ensure that they impact on the economy and transform the lives of the people.

Meru County Governor Kiraitu Murungi who was also present at the ceremony expressed commitment that his government will continue to work closely with the University in order to scale the heights of education even higher.

Kiraitu added that the county government of Meru has already completed plans of providing the university with water and improve the roads and streets at the neighboring Nchiru market to make the place more habitable to students, staff and other local residents.

The leaders were speaking during the 6th graduation ceremony where 1239 grandaunts were e awarded with various certificates of Degree and Diploma.

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