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New media houses for Tharaka Nithi

New media houses for Tharaka Nithi
April 24, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Residents of Chuka, Maara and Tharaka region are being treated to new content of broadcasting, thanks to the newly launched Radio and TV station in the region.

Mwendantu FM owned by Mercy Kendi and Daniel Gitonga was the first to hit the airwaves early this year broadcasting local content in Kimeru from its studios in Ndagani area.

Speaking to, The Mashariki News, Mr. Gitonga revealed that the reason for him teaming up with the former radio reporter with Muuga FM, Mercy Kendi, was to fill a gap that always existed in Chuka and the entire Tharaka Nithi County.

‘As I worked for KBC and other media houses, I have been experiencing many challenges key among them, lack of allocation of adequate time for stories from Tharaka Nithi region as compared to other regions, we have invested in this radio station to solve this problem’ Gitonga said.

Mwendantu FM broadcasting on 91.4 FM frequency was received with jubilation from the local residents who previously relied on stations from other counties.

Chuka University has also launched its radio station at the main campus in Ndagani Chuka. This is after the Communications Authority of Kenya granted the university a radio license to help in the training of students taking journalism and mass communication-related courses.

The University Vice-Chancellor Prof Erastus Njoka said this was the first step of improving service delivery in the field of training communication students. The VC further revealed that the university will soon launch a TV station to serve the same purpose.

Mugwe TV is also on-air broadcasting from the outskirts of Chuka town. The station is owned by a local scholar, Prof Mbaka Njoka who is a lecturer at Kenya Methodist University.

The station that recently released its signal on PANG platform aims at playing a big role in social, economic and political fields in the region.

There has been an increase in the number of local media stations since the governmnet’s move to liberalise airwaves and embrace digital migration in broadcasting.



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