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Are Kindiki and Linturi eyeing Gubernatorial seats in 2022 ?

Are Kindiki and Linturi eyeing Gubernatorial seats in 2022 ?
April 26, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Meru Senator Mithika Linturi and his Tharaka Nithi counterpart Prof. Kithure Kindiki are on a warpath.

Linturi and Kindiki have heightened their onslaught on Governor’s Kiraitu Murungi and Muthomi Njuki, respectively.

The Senators who are both lawyers have separately exhibited discontent with how their counties are being run and stopped short of announcing their candidature for the Gubernatorial elections in 2022.

James Muriithi, an observer of politics in Tharaka Nithi says it is only because Kindiki is clever that he has not gone public about his interest in the Governor’s position.

But in Meru Edwin Bundi, popularly known as Kiongozi, says Linturi is an ambitious and shrewd politician keen to wrest the reins of the county from Governor Kiraitu, hence his bold move to criticize his administration in public.

“Linturi wants to be governor but he should let Kiraitu do his work,” said Mr. Bundi.

Linturi seems hesitant to categorically state he wants to be governor, only saying his current mandate is to play an oversight role in the management of county resources.

But Governor Kiraitu and his deputy Titus Ntuchiu said they read malice in propagating inequality accusations leveled against them by Linturi.

“I perform an oversight duty. I wanted to give an opportunity to Kiraitu Murungi to work with the funds he has received in the form of sharable revenue. What brought us together was to see a united and developed Meru,” he said. He quoted sections of Auditor General Edward Ouko as the basis for his opposition to Kiraitu government.

“There is inequality in the distribution of projects in the county. This is a serious issue that must be addressed,” he said. But Governor Kiraitu and his deputy Titus Ntuchiu said they read malice in propagating inequality accusations leveled against them by Linturi.

“The senator (Linturi) should have waited in the Senate. He should have waited until we are summoned because he is a member of its Public Accounts Committee. All the questions he said he did not understand; we will answer all.

I believe our finance executive has all the answers,” Kiraitu said, adding that he read malice in Linturi’s comments.

In Tharaka Nithi Ichenga Mugao who was the political advisor of former Governor Mbae Ragwa is one of those who want Senator Kindiki to be deputy president running mate in 2022.

Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki | PHOTO-Courtesy

But the word in the streets has it that Kindiki is seriously considering a run for governor if he is not named as running mate by Deputy President William Ruto.

“Both Raila Odinga and William Ruto should consider picking Kithure Kindiki as a running mate in 2022.

Whoever picks Kindiki for deputy will benefit from Kindiki’s general likeability factor, his youthfulness and his strategic position as the emerging Mt Kenya leader after Uhuru Kenyatta,” said Mr. Mugao.

Muriithi says if Kindiki is not picked as running mate by Ruto then he has to have a fallback plan.

“Muthomi Njuki is looking strong to defend his seat but Kindiki possesses an unrivaled persuasive power. If he decides to run for governor we have a titanic power in our hands in 2022,” said Murithi.

In the recent past, Kindiki has been seen supervising National Government projects in the County especially in sectors like roads and other infrastructural activities.

Governor Muthomi Njuki remains a strong politician in the region with rumors that he might support Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki if the latter decides to run for the seat of Senator in the 2022 General Elections.

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