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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • May272022

    Isiolo, Marsabit and Samburu to benefit from the Ksh 15 Billion Solar Project.

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    By Agencies The Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP) is a flagship project of the Ministry of Energy, financed by…

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  • May272022

    EDITORIAL: It is embarrassing for the government not to invest in digital storage of records

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    The story of missing files in critical areas like judiciary registries, hospital records, civil registration offices, and police stations is…

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  • May272022

    Meru MCA initiates program to make his ward smokeless

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    By Kuura Ibeere A member of the County Assembly of Meru is saving thousands of rural women in his ward…

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  • May262022

    Why Marsabit pastors want guns taken back to the villages

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    By Correspondent, Religious leaders from Marsabit County now want the national government to show commitment in handling and preventing cases…

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  • May262022

    Women urged to take over political leadership in Marsabit County

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent, The women in Marsabit have been urged to come out and fight for political seats this…

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  • May262022

    The University of Embu creates a good time with Embu convicts to support them

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      By UoE and Correspondent, The University of Embu has been leading efforts for the social-economic development of the county…

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  • May262022

    Maralal’s Ksh 2.6 billion road project to keep dust away from the residents

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    By correspondent Residents of Maralal town in Samburu county and the adjacent areas have a reason to smile after an…

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  • May262022

    Munya was right on rangers; Governor Kiraitu and MPs

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    By Eastern Newspaper correspondent Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya’s administration when he was governor was worried about perennial cattle rustling…

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  • May252022

    How my Government continues to strengthen the Health of Tharaka Nithi County Residents

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    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the County Assembly of Tharaka Nithi and appreciate the staff of…

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  • May252022

    Senator Ndwiga attacks Governor Wambora for neglecting Health

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent, Embu Senator Njeru Ndwiga has come out breathing fire over what he calls the failure by…

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