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Senator Ndwiga attacks Governor Wambora for neglecting Health

Senator Ndwiga attacks Governor Wambora for neglecting Health
May 25, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Embu Senator Njeru Ndwiga | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent,

Embu Senator Njeru Ndwiga has come out breathing fire over what he calls the failure by the county government of Embu to provide the most critical services of healthcare in the county.

Addressing the residents of the county, senator Ndwiga observed that the people of Embu are suffering in matters of healthcare and the time has come for the national government to come to their aid.

‘Our county health is on its deathbed, the leaders responsible are just plundering resources meant to equip the health facilities at the expense of the citizens. I cannot keep quiet while my people are dying Governor Wambora has failed’ Ndwiga said.

He added that the people of Embu are suffering because of poor leadership of the county that is not prioritizing issues of the health sector, especially in facilities like the Embu Level Five hospital that most residents rely on for health provision; most times they are turned away without drugs.

‘I urge the health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe to come to Embu and see how people are suffering at the hands of the County Government. Some leaders who are responsible will never see heaven, if I go to Heaven before them I will remind God of what they did to the people of Embu’ Ndwiga added.

In the recent past, the county government of Embu has been announcing measures that they are taking to improve health facilities in the county.

In the county government’s annual budgets, the health department gets the highest share of the resources to improve on the same but residents have continuously complained of what they call poor health services.

Governor Wambora says the county is also refurbishing six level four hospitals namely: Siakago, Runyenjes, Kiritiri, Kianjokoma, Ishiara, and Kairuri.

“We are equipping them with modern equipment and putting in place theatres so that we can decongest Embu Level Five Hospital,” Governor Wambora explained.

Through the official county government website, the Wambora administration admits that the provision of universal and affordable healthcare for all citizens is not a privilege but a human right as enshrined in the constitution.

It further says that the county government has prioritized health to ensure the people can easily and quickly access the much-needed medical attention citing the various projects that the county has initiated to promote the health sector and to ensure quality services.

Governor Wambora who is the current chairman of the Council of Governors has been leading other governors in accusing the national government of not doing enough to support the county governments in the provision of health services.

One of the complaints is having Kenya Medical Supplies Agency, KEMSA, as the sole supplier of drugs and other medical supplies to the county governments hence denying them the opportunity to access the commodities at affordable prices.

According to the World Health Organization; quality of care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes.

It is based on evidence-based professional knowledge and is critical for achieving universal health coverage.

‘As countries commit to achieving Health for all, it is imperative to carefully consider the quality of care and health services’ WHO advises.

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