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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Oct112020

    The transformative unsponsored female power- Embrace

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    It’s a Friday..some call it Furahi Day others intersection day…yet a group of weird Kenyans calls it a bisecting day.…

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  • Oct112020
    John Kinoti

    What Corona Virus pandemic means to the Eastern region

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      Since its first detection on 13th March, the COVID-19 cases have grown considerably in Kenya, now reaching close to…

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  • Sep282020

    How bad roads are hindering the growth of Ruiri market

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    By Tomas Mbaya There are many upcoming urban centers in Meru County each with its history and growth dimensions over…

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  • Sep282020

    How governors are spending your tax money

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    By Eastern Newspaper team The question that should be bothering you is how your governor is using the hard-earned money…

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  • Sep282020

    State of Meru dams government pledged

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    By Eastern Newspaper correspondent The construction of the Kianjuri dam, one of the dams pledged by the National government for…

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  • Sep282020

    University of Embu embraces technology in student body elections

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    The newly elected leaders of the University of Embu Students’ Association took the oath of office after successful online voting…

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  • Sep282020

    NRT initiates good feeding for better beef and market prices

    1 Comment

    To achieve better market prices for herders and pastoral communities in northern Kenya, Northern Rangelands Trust-Trading (NRT-T) conducted a pilot…

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  • Sep282020

    Samburu community conservancies sign MOU with NRT

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    The Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT), Samburu County Government, and nine community conservancies— Sera, Westgate, Kalama, Nkoteiya, Meibae, Ltungai and Ngilai,…

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  • Sep282020

    How County Sacco doubled repayment period for tea loan borrowers

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    By Mugendi Kangichu A Sacco society in Embu has increased the loan repayment period for tea loan borrowers to provide…

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  • Sep282020

    Residents want new Embu Water Company boss to deliver

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    By Mugendi Kangichu Consumers of water from the Embu Water and Sanitation Company (Ewasco) expect improved services after the appointment…

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