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State of Meru dams government pledged

State of Meru dams government pledged
September 28, 2020 Eastern Newspaper

By Eastern Newspaper correspondent

The construction of the Kianjuri dam, one of the dams pledged by the National government for Meru County, is complete, but residents are yet to start getting the commodity.

Deputy President William Ruto launched the construction of the reservoir in August 2018, but now that it is complete, residents are waiting for the pipeline to be laid.

The government promised residents the Kianjuri in the water-scarce region of Buuri and Thangatha and Ura 4 dams in Tigania East and Igembe regions, respectively.

The Thangatha dam is all but finished, but a pipeline has not been laid, while the Ura 4 is still under construction.

EALA MP Mpuru Aburi said the Thangatha dam in Tigania East where he served as MP until his defeat by Josphat ‘Kabeabea’ Gichunge last election, and whose construction was also launched by the deputy president, will to a great extent alleviate the suffering of the people.

About 53, 000 residents of the semi-arid Buuri Sub County in Meru will benefit from the Kianjuri dam, though Kibirichia and sections of Kiirua Naari and Kibirichia wards will also benefit.

Tana Water Services Board Technical Manager John Mbogori said the Kianjuri dam is now ready, was set to be launched as soon as the coronavirus crises stabilize.

Kianjuri project is intended to alleviate the acute lack of water in Ntirimiti, Kibirichia, Kiirua, and surrounding locations in Buuri, where scarcity of the commodity had caused distress to residents who had been deprived of the resource for ages.

A big area of the four wards of Buuri will get the water, though residents have expressed doubt all will get a share.

Mr. Mbogori said the scarcity of the commodity in the region had informed the national government’s project, as water provision was a priority.

“One of the identified dams to be sunk was Kianjuri. Many residents who had suffered lack of water will be beneficiaries,” Mbogori said.

But Buuri MP Mugambi Rindikiri and Kibirichia MCA Elijah Kirimi said though thy were relieved the dam was all but done, a mechanism of distributing it to residents should now be found.

“The dam will address the challenge of water scarcity in Kibirichia and lower Kisima, Ntumburi, and surrounding areas. It will come as a big relief for those who need it for irrigation during drought,” said Mr. Rindikiri.

He said because Buuri, the largest constituency in Meru by land size faces lengthy dry spells and needs more water reservoirs to lessen the pain of the residents.

Mr. Kirimi said the people have been waiting patiently for the project.

“We want it opened as soon as possible so that our people, at last, can make use of the water,” Kirimi said.

EALA MP Mpuru Aburi said the Thangatha dam in Tigania East, whose construction was also launched by Ruto, will address the problem of the shortage.

The other dam pledged by the government was the giant Kathita dam, with Dr. Ruto on a visit to Meru said it will cost the government Sh10b to construct.

The DP said the dam, upon completion, will supply vast regions, including supplying the valued commodity to North Imenti, Tigania, and other areas in the lower parts of Meru County.

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