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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Apr232020

    Governor Kuti’s plan to attract investors in Isiolo Resort City plan

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    By Isiolo Governor’s Press Service Isiolo Governor Mohamed Kuti has rallied residents to take advantage of economic opportunities to be…

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  • Apr232020

    National Government steps in to address land problems in Isiolo

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    BY Simon Kobia The national government took measures to solve land problems in Isiolo County that has lasted for decades.…

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  • Apr232020

    Chuka University VC Prof Erastus Njoka’s boost to water supply in Tharaka Nithi

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    By The Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The construction of a one-million-liter water tank by Chuka University at Kairini in the dry…

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  • Apr232020

    Mati road, a blessing or a curse?

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The Mati road, which connects Meru, Tharaka Nithi, and Embu counties is expected to be an…

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  • Apr232020

    Why Governor Njuki administration is re-drawing Tharaka Nithi Map

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent A decision by Governor Muthomi Njuki to have a team from Google to draw a map…

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  • Apr232020

    Jubilee Party changes leadership in Tharaka Nithi Assembly

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The Jubilee Party, which is the majority party in the County Assembly of Tharaka Nithi, changed…

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  • Apr232020

    ‘Shamba’ system of conservation crucial in saving forests in Eastern Kenya

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    By Eastern Correspondent Peasant farmers who were allowed to cultivate crops in a section of the crucial Ontulili forest in…

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  • Apr232020
    Kawira Mwangaza

    Kawira Mwangaza’s message to Kiraitu and Munya

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Meru county women representative Kawira Mwangaza has accessed two top Meru leaders for what she is…

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  • Apr232020

    Kiraitu receives a report on public land as he warns grabbers

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent A large section of Meru County residents is staring at a potential loss of their undeveloped…

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  • Apr232020

    Lack of marketing hampers production in Meru County

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Farmers of different crops in Meru are grappling with a lack of markets for their produce.…

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