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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Dec172018

    Former banker’s exotic birds’ farm draws visitors

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    About 500 metres from Ndagani shopping centre off Nairobi-Meru road lies Cefra Eco-tourism farm which has become home to more…

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  • Dec172018

    Residents demand speed completion of by passes to ease traffic jams

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      The anticipated completion of two bypasses around Meru town will come as good news to residents who have railed…

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  • Dec172018

    KenGen’s Sh7 billion wind power project in Tigania

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    By Correspondent.   Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KENGEN) is planning a Sh7 billion wind power project in Tigania area is…

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  • Dec172018

    How Embu County government is spending public money

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    Embu County Ward reps unanimously adopted the Executive’s estimates of the 2018-2019 budget with agriculture and education being some of…

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  • Dec162018

    Irene Makena, keeps people, property safe

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    Makena’s job is to safeguard people and their properties in 40 Kenyan counties and it is a job she does…

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  • Dec102018

    Fred’s Academy maintains trail of success in KCPE

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    For the 26th time, the privately owned Fred’s academy has recorded high marks in the national exams with 30 pupils…

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  • Nov302018

    Tharaka Nithi: Youth, women urged to apply for development funds

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    Tharaka Nithi County Woman Representative Beatrice Nkatha has called on youths, people living with disabilities (PLWDs) and women in the…

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  • Nov292018

    Charles Mukindia appointed to chair Firearms Licensing Board

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    Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi through Gazette Notice No. 12309 has appointed Charles Mwongera Mukindia as the new chairman of…

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  • Nov292018

    Governor Kuti calls on youth to shun drug and substance abuse

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    Isiolo governor Dr Mohammed Kuti has called on youths in the County to shun drugs and other substances and instead…

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  • Nov292018

    Meru County Executives sign performance contracts to enhance service delivery

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    Meru governor Kiraitu Murungi has presided over the signing of performance contracts by county executives in an exercise that aims…

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