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How Embu County government is spending public money

How Embu County government is spending public money
December 17, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Embu County Ward reps unanimously adopted the Executive’s estimates of the 2018-2019 budget with agriculture and education being some of the biggest beneficiaries. Out of the Sh6.4 billion, the Department of Infrastructure, Public Works and Housing was allocated Sh489.6 million as Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and Cooperative Development got ShSh539.6 million.

As is almost always the case everywhere Health received the largest chunk of the allocation with Sh1.7 billion, but only Sh234.9 million is for development as the rest is consumed in recurrent expenditure.

Education, Youth and Sports department received Sh648.7m for use.  Water, Irrigation, Environment and Natural Resources department got Sh208 million.

The Embu Level 5 Hospital was given Sh489.3 million out of which Sh350 million will go towards paying salaries and Sh258.8 million to be used in development projects. In the fiscal year commencing that commenced on July 1, the county government projected to collect Sh653.4 million from local revenue sources and Sh296, 510,000 from the devolved ministries and departments.

Land, Physical Planning and Urban Development got Sh224. 3 million at its disposal, with a development kitty of Sh98.8 million.

Salaries for the governor, his Deputy and Executive Committee members is at Sh41, 846,001 while operations and maintenance will take away Sh77.3 million.

In the fiscal year commencing that commenced on July 1, the county government projected to collect Sh653.4 million from local revenue sources and Sh296, 510,000 from the devolved ministries and departments.


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