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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Nov012018

    MP Jaldesa sounds the alarm over rising defilement cases in Isiolo

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    Isiolo County Woman Representative Rehema Jaldesa has bemoaned the rising number of defilement cases in the county and called for…

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  • Nov012018

    Government to promote Kenya as investment destination

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    President Uhuru Kenyatta has reiterated his administration’s commitment in ensuring Kenya becomes a destination of choice for investors. Speaking in…

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  • Nov012018

    Kiraitu forms team to protect, manage environment

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    Meru County Governor Kiraitu Murungi has formed a six member committee to manage, protect and maintain the environment. Governor Murungi…

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  • Oct312018

    Isiolo: Assembly approves Government partnership with NGO for provision of Healthcare services

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    The County Assembly of Isiolo has approved a partnership between the County Government and Living Goods, an NGO for the…

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  • Oct312018

    Governor Ali lauds peace committee for easing tension in Marsabit

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    Marsbit Governor Mohamud Mohammed Ali has lauded efforts by Marsabit county interim peace committee in restoring normalcy in the County.…

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  • Oct312018

    MP Munene calls for tough measures against teachers, administrators aiding exam cheating

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    Chuka Igambang’ombe MP Patrick Munene has called for tough measures in dealing with those involved in exam malpractice in the…

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  • Oct312018

    Tharaka Nithi: CS Kobia urges candidates to uphold integrity

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    Public Service Youth and Gender Cabinet Secretary (CS), Prof Margaret Kobia has urged candidates sitting their K.C.P.E exams to remain…

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  • Oct312018

    Meru County to host Upper Eastern International Anti-Corruption Day

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    Meru County is set to host this year’s edition of the Upper Eastern International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9. Speaking…

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  • Oct302018

    We have been sidelined, Mt Kenya MPs claim

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    Leaders from Mt Kenya region have appealed to President Uhuru Kenyatta to consider the region in the Government’s development agenda.…

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  • Oct302018

    Security beefed up as K.C.P.E exams kick off

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    Interior PS Karanja Kibicho has called on KCPE candidates to shun exam malpractices and strive to achieve clean, honest grades.…

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