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  • Sep142023

    Governor Njuki commissions Kiracha dairy farmers milk coolant as farmers initiate a Ksh 200 million feed factory

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    By Beatrice Mwende The County Government of Tharaka Nithi led by Governor Muthomi Njuki has reinforced the aspect of value…

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  • Sep132023

    Meru Dairy to establish a dairy cattle ranch dubbed ‘Dairy Boarding’ and a new feed manufacturing plant

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    By Mutethia Mukembu The Meru Dairy Union CEO Kenneth Gitonga says plans are in advance to establish a Dairy cattle…

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  • Jul252023

    Meru County goes cashless to boost revenue collection

    1 Comment

    By Gerald Kibaki The County Government of Meru has narrowed down on cash payments to increase revenue and seal corruption…

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  • Jul062023

    Safaricom, Kiirua, and Consolata hospitals, top list of brands loved by Women in Kenya

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    By Gerald Kibaki Kiirua Mission Hospital in Buuri sub-county and Consolata Hospital based in Nkubu Meru County are the only…

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  • Jul042023

    Exhbitors at Meru ASK engage in promoting climate smart agriculture

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    By Yvonne Mutwiri Meru County and larger Mount Kenya residents showcased their great interest in embracing climate-smart agricultural practices during…

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  • Apr032023

    How a family in Meru Central is earning millions in dairy farming after quitting posh city jobs

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    By Gerald Mutethia The collapse of his business challenges that provided him with basic needs due to cash crunch storms…

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  • Mar302023

    Lack of political goodwill, insecurity menace among factors denying Isiolo resort city status

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Isiolo town was anticipated to be the economic game changer in Kenya in terms of connecting…

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  • Mar282023

    Food and Farming Politics – This is what is ailing the food industry today

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    By TITUS KINOTI; AUTHOR & AGRICULTURE EXPERT From time immemorial, the policies of governments have shaped food and farming practices.…

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  • Mar282023

    Isiolo abattoir paints an image of hope for socio-economic transformation

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    By Gerald Mutethia Isiolo Abattoir once operational will be an economic game changer by creating opportunities for county residents in…

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  • Mar272023

    Why Miraa farmers live in poverty despite owning acres of land with crop

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    By Gerald Mutethia Leaseholds on Miraa farms, expensive transportation of the crop, and uncertain markets are the main reasons Miraa…

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