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Governor Kiraitu initiates street paving projects in urban centers

Governor Kiraitu initiates street paving projects in urban centers
June 17, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By Mashariki Correspondent 

Maua town, Meru County’s second biggest, will be upgraded at a cost of  Sh38 million, Governor Kiraitu Murungi has said.

Kiraitu said the work of upgrading the town to boost economic activities in the townhad started as his administration  works to improve markets in the county.

Speaking when he and his deputy Titus Ntuchiu Kiraitu visited Maua recently Kiraitu said Meru, Nkubu, Muthara, Karama and other towns in the area were earmarked for a facelift, to boost trade.

He said his administration wants to provide a conducive environment for business growth by paving the towns with cabro.

Maua town has been in the past been rocked by demonstrations as tradetrs expressed anger over dilapidated roads, lack of proper drainage and the poor state of other infrastructure.

“I want to make Maua a beautiful town for business. We have a goal of improving the business environment in all towns in Meru,” Kiraitu, who was also flanked by Roads Executive Julius Taitumu said.

Taitumu said the devolved unit will in addition to paving urban and peri-urban area also install floodlights to boost business activities.

But Maua is just one of the many markets the administration is in the process of upgrading, with residents and business community welcoming the move.

Mr. Ntuchiu also launched the cabro project at Nchiru market in Tigania West, where he said the area would also have floodlights.

“The cabro project will ensure the traders operate in a conducive environment, and the floodlights will enable trading to operate for longer hours in the evening,” Ntuchiu said.

The business community said the markets were ‘inhabitable’ and an eyesore whenever it rained and thanked the Kiraitu government for launching the upgrade.

“When it rains business activities in this market becomes impossible.

We have the same problem when it is dusty. We are very happy because we will now have an environment that sellers and buyers dreamed of,” Merciline Kagwiria, a trader at Karama market in Njia Ward, Igembe Central, said.

“Floodlights will also ensure there is security round the clock,” Mr. Taitumu said.

Another area where residents are a happy lot is the Mwichiune shopping center where the cabro works have been done.

Anne Kate who is the chairperson of the Mwichiune traders said they were now able to transport their goods with ease, and operate in a clean, dust free environment.

Kenya Urban support program and the World Bank have set aside Ksh.116 Million to upgrade the Meru Municipality through the County Government of Meru.

Among the activities expected is paving of streets and beautification of Meru town

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