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Governor Mbarire to introduce school feeding program

Governor Mbarire to introduce school feeding program
March 28, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire(in white cap) accompanied by a section of local leaders and residents quenches thirst in Mbeere after opening a water project in the area |PHOTO-ECG

By Eastern Correspondent

As hunger continues to be a disaster in many counties within Mt Kenya East and Northern Kenya, Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire intends to caution families by providing a free feeding program.

In the year 2023/2024 County Fiscal Strategic Paper, the Governor acknowledges residents’ challenges but with an agenda aligned to people’s needs set for delivery within the set timelines to ensure continued living standards improvements, sustain economic programs, and propel the county.

“I have concluded going round all our twenty (20) wards to collect views on the Five Year (2023-2027) County Integrated Development Plan on CIDP paper that outlines the broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the County Government in preparing its budget for the 2023/24 financial year and over the medium term,” she said.

Mbarire said priority projects that have come up cut across include Sustainable water for irrigation and domestic use, upgrading of feeder and main roads, upgrading of health facilities, a return of AI and extension services, upgrading/modernization of markets and aggregating centers with supporting infrastructure, support facilities for youth activities, value addition for our various value chains, electrification, the establishment of model ECDE centers and upgrading of VTC’s among others.
“Among the issues that came to the fore include; the construction of well-staffed model ECDE classes, free feeding program, putting up a Vocational Training Center at Mayori, bursaries, and scholarship programs, utilization of the three water dams (Gitaru, Kamburu, and Kindaruma) for irrigation as well as renovation of earth dams, drilling and automating of new boreholes, access to subsidized animal feeds and farm inputs, a return of vibrant artificial insemination and extension services and certified seeds to increase production
“Key also is murram, upgrading and tarmacking of roads including; Kiritiri- Kiambere, completion of Machang’a-VI ring road, Nyangwa- Rwamburi, Kavandori-Karaba, Kavandori-Thurwa, Karii- Nguguni roads, Upgrading of Kabuguri Dispensary to L’3, Kiritiri L’3 to L’4, Gikiiro dispensary to L’4, construction of new health facilities at, Karii, Kathoge, Mathigira Kenda and Irabari,” she said.

Mbarire said there is a need for new markets at Machang’a, upgrading of Kiritiri market with modern storage facilities, a bus park, and adequate lighting among others.
Mbarire noted her commitment to the empowerment of youth through the establishment of resource and recreation facilities at Ciambingo, leveling of playgrounds, employment opportunities, and AGPO opportunities for women, PWDs, and the youth.

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