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Home for the elders Coming up in Isiolo

Home for the elders Coming up in Isiolo
April 24, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Residents of Isiolo Samburu Laikipia and the neighboring counties are set to benefit from a project of a home of elders where the elderly will be taken care of.

In the project spearheaded by the Holy Angels sisters in Isiolo, will be constructed at Ngaremara area near the border of Meru and Isiolo counties.

Speaking to, The Mashariki News, the project committee chairman Mr. Peter Kaluai said the proposal of the project came after a need of taking care of the elderly arose; this was brought about by increased cases of neglect of the elderly both men and women especially in the communities that practice pastoralism.

Sr Maria Therese who serves as the principal at St Mary’s Secretarial College within the Catholic diocese of Isiolo is spearheading the project that she says is long overdue in the area.

‘My heart breaks when I see the aged suffering alone in their manyattas and others areas, this is an expensive project and we do not have enough money to quickly bring it up, We pray day and night for well-wishers to come to our aid’ Sr Therese said.

The holy Angels Sisters in Isiolo are urging people of good will to offer support to the home in order to realize their dream of taking care of the aged souls.

The initial development has already commenced, where the sisters have already fenced the four-acre piece of land at Ngaremara area in Isiolo County.

Recently a volunteer did a geological survey for a possible sinking of a borehole to supply water for construction and later supply the home with clean water.

This will be the first home for the elders in the region.


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