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Meru National Polytechnic gets a new chief principal

Meru National Polytechnic gets a new chief principal
December 6, 2022 Eastern Newspaper

Mutembei Kigige -Meru National Polytechnic Principal

By Kuura Ibeere

Mutembei Kigige takes the mantle of steering ahead of Meru national polytechnic as Chief Principal.

Reports reaching our news desk reliably reveal that Mutembei took over after the retirement of Raphael
Rukaria who is one of the shortest-serving principals in the history of the polytechnic.

Before his current appointment, Mutembei was the principal at Karumo Technical Training Institute
where he is credited for various development activities that include infrastructure and the growth of the
student population. Kigige brings with him a wealth of skills and experience having served in technical
schools for many years in various capacities.

His appointment as the chief principal at the Meru National Polytechnic is seen by many as a promotion
because he will be now managing a bigger population of staff, students, and other stakeholders who are
affiliated with the national polytechnic.

Speaking after the handing-over ceremony, the new principal thanked the Ministry of Education for the
opportunity. ‘ This is not new territory to me, I served here for many years as the deputy principal in charge of academic affairs, Meru national polytechnic is known for its academic excellence in the world
of technical education.

I have the will I have the ability to deliver and propel this great institution further with support from other stakeholders’ Mutembei said.

Among the technical courses offered at Meru national polytechnic include engineering courses in various fields that include but are not limited to, mechanical, electrical, and civil, which incorporate building and construction.

Others are business-related courses like ICT, hospitality, and business management courses. The student population has been growing steadily at the institution as students enroll and graduate with diplomas and Certificates in courses.

Mutembei meets a full in-tray with so many activities to work on coupled with huge expectations from the stakeholders, based on the fact that he previously served the institution as deputy principal for
many years.

Since its elevation to a national institution in the year 2016, The Meru National Polytechnic has been on
the leading line in the provision of technical education in Kenya. This is specifically in the area of building and construction technology in the building and civil engineering department.

Skills in this field are in high demand not only in Kenya but also in the neighboring countries. The National Polytechnic was picked to be a Centre of Excellence in the World Bank-supported East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project commonly referred to as, EASTRIP.

The Polytechnic has embraced an ambitious roadmap of ensuring the three broad objectives are realized. The construction works of the EASTRIP Block are at an advanced stage meaning the new principal has a big task ahead of him.

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