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Ministry of Interior to construct two school dormitories in Tharaka

Ministry of Interior to construct two school dormitories in Tharaka
May 31, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Politician Paul Mugambi leads a delegation from the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Housing to launch 60M school infrastructure programs in Kaanyaga and Mugui Day Secondary schools in Tharaka South Sub-County | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Mutethia

The Ministry of Interior and national administration has set aside Sh60 million to improve school infrastructure by constructing two Day school dormitories in Tharaka South.

Kanyaga Mixed Day Secondary School and Mugui Mixed Day Secondary School have been allocated Sh30 million each to establish the dormitories that will accommodate 130 and 123 students respectively.

Peter Karanja, from the ministry who toured both sites accompanied by Politician Paul Mugambi, urged the contractor to fast-track the two projects and finish them in good time to benefit learners.

“We arrived here for a site visit at Kanyaga Mixed Day Secondary School. We have authorized the contractor to come on-site immediately and we assure residents there will be value for money in the construction of the dormitories. We will ensure that area residents live in peace and a conducive environment that is friendly to their daily activities.” Karanja said.

Karanja appealed to residents to continue partnering with and supporting the government to ensure children get proper services and benefit from these investments.

“These dormitories will increase transition and enrolment of students here because they have better facilities and place to sleep and being a Day school with a dormitory, many will long to study at the institution, rather than walking distances far away that may affect their learning,” Karanja said.

He said they anticipate the contractor must accomplish the dormitories within the set timelines and in case of any challenges, the ministry will collaborate and effectively engage the school management and the contractor to fast-track these projects for the benefit of concerned people.

“In six months’ time, the two dormitories should be launched and handed over to the institutions,” he said.

Mugambi on his part expressed satisfaction and gratitude for the gesture by the ministry to enhance the infrastructure and general improvement of the two schools.

“Mugui dormitory alone will accommodate at least 123 students while the Kanyaga dormitory will accommodate 130 students The office of MP promised to allocate funds to improve infrastructure in schools. I urge the contractor to involve local suppliers and pick casual laborers from here to transform their lives through the projects,” Mugambi said.

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