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Modern motorbikes donated to Lewa conservancy to enhance security

Modern motorbikes donated to Lewa conservancy to enhance security
August 10, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

The world famous Lewa wildlife conservancy and the Northern Rangeland Trust have benefitted from a donation of two powerful motorbikes from Kibo Africa meant to enhance security of wildlife within the conservancy and surrounding zones.

The motorbikes will be used by the conservancy security team whose main duty is to make sure there is maximum security for the wildlife as well as human beings in the conservancy and in the neighborhood. The bikes are designed to operate in rough terrains and they are worth around Ksh900, 000.

While handing over the bikes to Lewa Conservancy Chief Operations Officer Dr Tugo Jirmo and Northern Rangelands Trust Fleet Administrator Zakayo Mbai, Kibo Africa commercial director Mr Ben Nzangi said the bikes are capable of accessing any part of the terrain regardless of its roughness or toughness and therefore they’ll assist in enhancing security, preserve heritage and culture through regular patrols, monitoring and gathering of intelligence.

“Tourism is the pillar of our economy. To attract tourists we must protect and preserve our wildlife, heritage and environment. Tourist prefer coming to Kenya to watch and enjoy our wildlife, heritage and environment. That is why we are donating to this noble cause. Also it’s part of our social responsibility to the local community. He said.

Lewa Conservancy Chief Operations Officer Dr Tugo Jirmo said the bikes are very convenient and reliable because they are made in such a way that they can access any part of the conservancy including the tough terrains where previously they were forced to trek on foot.

He said the motorcycles will enhance activities in the conservancy and specifically security patrols, monitoring of the animal movements, research and protection of the endangered species.

Dr. Jimmo assured the residents that the bikes will effectively contain the perennial human wildlife conflicts by promptly responding to any distress calls from the residents any time the elephants or other wildlife invade their farms, settlement or property.

”The bikes will be able to access  the entire Lewa Conservancy and its environs including the tough terrain which were almost impossible to access .This will improve security in and around the facility and enhance the protection of the endangered species by closely monitoring their movement among other activities which will be conducted using the motorcycles.

Human-wildlife conflicts will get prompt response once we are alerted of it occurrence. The bikes will come in handy during such incidents.

“We sincerely thank Kibo Africa for the noble donation. The conservancy is well equipped to deal with any eventualities now and we are working closely with all the stakeholders in a bid to attain the set goals,” said Dr. Jirmo.

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