Elephants at Mwea National Reserve
By Governor’s press
An alpha male baboon makes a low-pitched bark, watching protectively at his troop made up of squealing younglings.
Heaving his bulk off a dead tree trunk, he adopts a warlike stance, barking aggressively. In a split second, the entire troop melts into the thick undergrowth.
Amidst the cacophony of chirping birds, two Rhodeschild giraffes hop gracefully from a watering point, their long necks swaying sideways as if in slow motion. Welcome to Mwea National Reserve.
The game reserve, located 30 kilometers from Embu town offers breathtaking vistas beckoning to be explored.
“The reserve is home to more than 125 elephants, 200 buffaloes, baboons, hippos, warthogs, Thomson’s gazelles, Dik Diks, and an array of avian species including quails, guinea fowls, and ducks making it a paradise for bird lovers.
“We are popularizing Mwea Game Reserve as one of the hidden gems in Embu County. Our strategy is multi-pronged including school tours, picnics, and even camping” says Embu County Director of Tourism Virginia Warue Ngugi.
Already, according to the director, school tours have recorded phenomenal success with many students visiting the facility throughout the year.
“We are now gearing for increasing visitor numbers at the reserve especially those who love camping in the open, the experience is out of this world,” Virginia says.
True to her statement, the campsite located next to the shimmering waters of the Kamburu dam is to die for. Campers can soak in the details of true paradise with fishermen on canoes hauling their catch of Tilapia, Mudfish and common carp can be spotted from as far as the Masinga dam spillway.
The idyllic views of the pebble-covered beach offer an experience of a lifetime. For those who love long walks, the beach offers an estimated one kilometer of jogging space complete a view of the Thiba and Tana River confluence, a distance away.
According to the Embu County Department of Tourism, another campsite comprising a bathroom, solar chargers, and washrooms will be complete in the next two weeks.
Once the new camp is complete, people can enjoy themselves and get near nature as they explore Embu’s hidden gem”, Virginia sums up.