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Struggling special school gets state aid,

Struggling special school gets state aid,
January 3, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By John Majau.

St Lucy School for the Visually Impaired in Meru County has dismissed the rumors circulating in social media that the institution is in a financial crisis and will not open for the new term.

According to the head teacher Sister Judith Khavwengesi assured all the education stakeholders in the county that the school is financially stable after the Ministry of Education, Meru County government, Catholic dioceses of Meru and other well-wishers came to their rescue by paying all the outstanding debts.

Speaking in her office in Igoji East, South Imenti the administrator denied social media reports that the school was facing financial difficulties and it would not open for the new term.

She said the propaganda was unfounded and only meant to tarnish the name and image of the institution and advised those with unresolved issues with the school to first consult the management before spreading malicious lies against the institution.

”Following our distress calls donors responded positively with the Meru county government giving 200 bags of maize and rice and 50 bags of beans .The national government also released the grants while the Catholic diocess of Meru gave five sacks of maize. Other well-wishers working overseas donated Sh 500,000 which was used to pay salary arrears of six months.” She said.

According to her, the rumors started circulating in social media claiming that the school won’t open for the new term this year just after the school had cleared its debts.

“This is the second time the culprit is trying to tarnish our name and we don’t yet know his motive. Let me assure all the education stakeholders specifically the parents and pupils that the school is financially stable now and will be opened without any delay.” Said Sister Khavwengesi.

She added that the withdrawal of the school’s  long term donor ,Christaffel  Blinden Mission of Germany had affected the school but lauded donors for positively responding to their distress calls noting that the school was already engaged in viable income generating projects meant to meet their financial needs including a tea farming, poultry and livestock farming among others.


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