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Why Kilemi Mwiria dropped gubernatorial ambitions and settled for the MP race

Why Kilemi Mwiria dropped gubernatorial ambitions and settled for the MP race
May 10, 2021 Eastern Newspaper

Former Tigania West Member of Parliament and gubernatorial candidate Dr Kilemi Mwiria recently dropped his gubernatorial ambitions and settled for a less powerful position of an MP.

The Eastern Newspaper can authoritatively reveal that the two-term MP wants to go back home and represent his Tigania West residents at the National Assembly.

In what comes as shock to many residents of the county, Dr Mwiria who is the Chairman of the Kenya National Qualifications Authority says he has been thinking about the issue after losing the gubernatorial race for Meru County twice. Addressing residents of Mikinduri in Tigania East recently, Mwiria assured his Tigania West constituents of better service delivery if he clinches the position after the 2022 general elections. He dismissed his critics who are terming his move as a demotion.

‘The highest position I have held in Kenya is the position of an MP, I have never been a governor, and I do not know why some people are putting me there. You all know I have tried my best twice and failed and I think the best thing to do is to go back to my familiar grounds’ Kilemi said.

Kilemi served as an Assistant Minister for Higher Education in the Kibaki government where he initiated various education-related projects in his Tigania West constituency key among them, the establishment of Karumo Technical Training Institute and the Meru University of Science and Technology. The former lawmaker used his position to fast track the establishment of the University and went ahead to use the Constituency Development Fund kitty to help in surveying and demarcating the over 600-acre piece of land where the University sits.

His wife Dr. Sarah Kilemi who is running women empowerment programs in the constituency also served on the board of Karumo TTI.

Sarah is instrumental in the political career of her husband where both are well known by Tigania West residents for their active participation in the community activities.

Another big project initiated by Mwiria while serving at the National Assembly alongside his wife, who was then working with the United Nations, was the establishment and commissioning of Mugambo Jwetu community radio project that was stationed at the Tigania West CDF offices at Urru. The station was serving the Tigania West residents and also other residents of the county but it later closed down when Mwiria left the office of MP to run for the gubernatorial position.

Mwiria has been in the political cold after losing his bid to become the chief executive of the Meru county government for close to a decade now.

In 2012 he vied for the position using President Uhuru Kenyatta’s TNA party ticket and lost to Peter Munya who contested on the APK ticket. Five years later Mwiria tried his luck again on Alfred Mutua’s Maendeleo Chap Chap party ticket but lost to Jubilee candidate Kiraitu Murungi who is currently the Meru County Governor.

After losing for the second time, Mwiria was appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to be his advisor on education matters a position he held until he was made the Chairman of the KNQA a position he is currently holding.

Some political analysts see this as a political strategy by Mwiria to place himself in a good position for appointment as a Cabinet Minister if the Building Bridges Initiative goes through and the Constitution is amended.

Mwiria is expected to be on the ballot with the current Member of Parliament Dr. John Mutunga, former MP David Karithi among others.

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