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Governor Mwangaza warns Kathuri, Mpuru against inciting residents not to pay taxes

Governor Mwangaza warns Kathuri, Mpuru against inciting residents not to pay taxes
June 5, 2023 Eastern Newspaper

Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi and Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza during the Meru ASK show | PHOTO-Courtesy

By Gerald Mutethia

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza and Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi have accused Senator Kathuri Murungi and Tigania East MP Mpuru Aburi of inciting residents against paying taxes.

On June 3, Mwangaza told off the duo reminding them that if their agenda was to derail development in Meru, then they should be denied their salaries and charges taken upon them as well.

“Any leader, especially the elected leaders, should be denied salaries if they incite residents against paying taxes. The revenue and legal departments should also consider preferred charges against them. We will not keep quiet as they call for accountability and continue inciting people not to pay,” Mwangaza said.

Mwangaza accused the two of plans to sabotage the county’s economy and stall the development agenda if their calls to members of the public not to pay taxes are heeded.

“It is surprising to see some of our leaders, led by our senator, a number of MCAs, and some members of the National assembly crisscrossing the County doing campaigns that people should not pay taxes. It is shameful and shame on them,” Kawira said.

Mwangaza urged Linturi to dialogue with the two and convince them not to enhance rhetoric politics adding that her administration will not tolerate any leader inciting people not to pay taxes.

She noted that President William Ruto has been calling upon Kenyans to pay for developments to be achieved.

“Let team ‘Kibiri’ know that their meeting in Maua town will be the last meeting. Take this clear message to senator Kathuri and Mpuru, tell them that their mission of going round using ‘Kibiri’ and inciting people not to pay taxes, ’tumewaonea 18 na hapa Meru wakicheza hawatakanyanga sana’.” Mwangaza said.

CS Linturi pleaded with elected leaders to shun early politicking and allow the Mwangaza administration time to carry out their tasks as mandated by electorates.

“We are no longer in campaigns. Every elected leader needs peace. We must be united to collectively achieve development projects whether by lobbying or through CDF of county funds,” Linturi said.

Linturi said that there would be no sustainability in development projects if residents evade tax payments.

We must all be ready to beat the deadline to file our tax returns so that we can be able to run our affairs as a country” said CS Linturi.

“Mwangaza defeated me. I recognize the legitimacy of her administration and if tax is not paid, how will services roll down to Mwananchi? Everyone has the duty to pay levies or taxes, so the county is asking you to pay because you require services from the government of Mwangaza,” Linturi said.

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