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From the dusty grounds of Kaaga to elite football: How football transformed the life of Antony Murithi

From the dusty grounds of Kaaga to elite football: How football transformed the life of Antony Murithi
May 20, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
By Hillary Mukasa- FKF Instructor

Antony Murithi has been a player of firsts. The first player from Meru to single handedly spearhead a high school to the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) National Championships, first high school boy to play for KeMU football team in the league, first player from Meru to be selected at the National Youth Talent Academy (NYTA), the first player from Meru to jump into a plane to participate in the Liberty youth tournament in Ghana and the first player from Meru to play for Ulinzi stars in the KPL and Military games.

On 24th August 1992 the greatest thing that happened at St Teresa hospital maternity ward in Kiirua Meru was the birth of Antony Murithi. Not only had a child been born but also a football star.

Kirige high school was average football wise but when Murithi arrived they started winning everything. The fact that he steered Kirige boys to the National Secondary Schools Championship single handedly in Machakos is merely a chapter underlining his success. The year is 2008.

In the military games held in Kenya in 2013 Murithi and Ulinzi stars won gold. They repeated the same feat in 2014 in Zanzibar. In 2015 they were runners up in Uganda and became champions in Rwanda in 2016.

Antony Murithi has achieved all this through dedication and fighting for the colors of his team. Off the pitch he has shown great respect to all the opponents and all the people he meets. We are not talking about the player alone now but also as the man.

 Is Antony Murithi the most successful player that Meru County ever produced? Possibly. Whichever way the soldier is himself satisfied and thanks someone above us all.

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