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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Jul102023

    Baragoi Hospital performs first C-Section surgery

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent The Baragoi Hospital doctors and staff made the greatest milestone ever by conducting the first Cesarean…

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  • Jul102023

    What is the difference between the Samburu and the Maasai?

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    By Sponyoo and Kuura Ibeere In this edition, we briefly focus on two communities that look similar yet distinct in…

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  • Jul102023

    Ura Gate: The return of Kenya’s second-best cultural festival

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    By Blaise Gitonga This year is set to see a return of the annual Tharaka Nithi Ura Gate Cultural Festival…

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  • Jul102023

    CS Kindiki warns people fueling border disputes in Tharaka, Meru and Isiolo

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent If you fuel border animosity and killings and grab land and property from innocent people whether…

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  • Jul072023

    Why pastoralists in Isiolo are insuring their livestock against drought, pests and diseases

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    By Mutethia Mukembu Livestock owners in Isiolo County are trooping to Agricultural offices to insure their livestock after many of…

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  • Jul072023

    Return of the Marsabit Cultural Festival excites residents

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    By Eastern Newspaper Correspondent Marsabit residents are excited after the county government announced plans to re-introduce Cultural diversity festivals starting…

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  • Jul062023

    A 26-year-old man commits suicide at Mpuri village in Maara Constituency Tharaka Nithi

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    By Gerald Kibaki A somber mood has engulfed Mpuri village in Maara Constituency Tharaka Nithi county after a youth committed…

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  • Jul062023

    The changing narrative of Kandutura settlement in the vast Laikipia County

    1 Comment

    By Habitat for Humanity Kenya Miles away from Kenya’s capital Nairobi is Kandutura settlement It is located in Rumuruti Location,…

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  • Jul062023

    Safaricom, Kiirua, and Consolata hospitals, top list of brands loved by Women in Kenya

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    By Gerald Kibaki Kiirua Mission Hospital in Buuri sub-county and Consolata Hospital based in Nkubu Meru County are the only…

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  • Jul062023

    Martin “Puyol” Kirimi: The price of nurturing talents at an early age

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    By Hillary Mukasa He is the number one son of BIDII Sports Academy. He joined the academy when he was…

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