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Government alarmed by cases of people eating dogs in Tigania

Government alarmed by cases of people eating dogs in Tigania
April 25, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

The Government has a raised a red flag on the issue of residents of Karama area in Tigania East sub-county of Meru county slaughtering and eating dogs.

In a recent incident, two middle-aged men were intercepted by their fellow residents preparing dog meat in Antuanduru location of Tigania East.

The two culprits who are residents of Karama market admitted to their neighbors that they have been consuming dog meat for several years and they love it.

That day was their lucky day following an accident where a dog was hit by a vehicle along the nearby Meru Maua road.

The two men together carried the carcass of the dog and skinned it in their house where they made a delicacy of the same.

The dog eaters told those present that dog meat is as delicious as any other domestic animals and can only be compared to Kienyeji chicken or a well-fried fish from the lakeside.

Local residents told, The Mashariki News, that there are several stories of people eating dogs in various parts of Karama that include Achoro and Ntirutu areas but they are not amused by the whole story.

A local resident identified as Joram was surprised by the incident and vowed not to consume any meat product from Karama market. However, the government is not happy with the incidences.

Antuanduru senior chief Jeremiah Muriira termed the incidence as illegal and warned the residents against consuming dog meat and other unauthorized and uninspected meat.

Muriira said those who are eating dogs are not of sound mind and they are using the current draught as an excuse to do so.

‘The Kenya law does not allow people to eat dogs, it is a taboo in the Meru community and such practice will not be tolerated’ Chief Muriira said.

The meat control Act 2012 as stipulated in Kenya law does not allow human beings to consume dog meat in the country.

Dog meat is not included in the list of regulated animal products according to the Act.

Dog meat is however freely consumed in various parts of Asia that include China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and South Korea.

In Europe, Switzerland is the main consumer of dog meat while in Africa, the delicacy is enjoyed in the West Africa Nation of Nigeria. A huge population of locals consume dog meat on a regular basis.

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