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Igembe North Police, GSU bosses transferred following killing of former MCA

Igembe North Police, GSU bosses transferred following killing of former MCA
May 10, 2023 Eastern Newspaper
By Gerald Mutethia

Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has ordered the immediate transfer of Igembe North Police and GSU bosses after bandits killed former Antubetwe Kiongo MCA George Kaliunga.

Kindiki in a Press Statement noted that the officers are on transfer following recommendations of the members of the public during a recent security Baraza at Ndoleli Chief’s Camp
in Antubetwe Kiongo, Igembe North Constituency of Meru County

“The following security measures have been taken by Government; The logistics for establishing an Anti-Stock Theft Police Unit (ASTU) facility at Loloro are now complete and the Camp will be operational from the 10th of May, 2023. To facilitate investigations and ensure efficiency in security operations in the disturbed area, the following changes have been made in the Igembe North Sub-County Police Command with immediate effect: The Officer Commanding Police Division (OCPD) for Igembe
North Sub-County has been removed. The Officer-in-Charge of the General Service Unit (GSU) command in the area has also been removed,” the CS said.

Kindiki said Police have made progress in the investigations into the brutal killing of
the immediate former area MCA George Kaliunga.

Kaliunga, who served as a councillor and later MCA, was shot dead by bandits while pursuing stolen animals.

Meru MCAs led by assembly speaker Ayub Bundi had last week asked for immediate transfer of all officers within Igembe North claiming they failed to act swiftly in repelling the bandits and recovering stolen animals that left Kaliunga dead.

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