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Isiolo-Marsabit Highway Residents benefit from free condoms to avoid re-using

Isiolo-Marsabit Highway Residents benefit from free condoms to avoid re-using
December 18, 2018 Eastern Newspaper

Residents of Archers Post town in Samburu East Constituency along the Isiolo-Moyale highway have benefitted from free condom distribution by non-government organization to curb spread of Aids causing virus.

According to the Chief Executive Officer of ‘Good Life Trust’, Dr. Faith Ndiwa, the initiative was brought out by realization that the local people lacked adequate condom supply yet the area has sizeable population that is sexually active.

Dr. Ndiwa said there were allegations that some residents were reusing condoms to avoid contracting the HIV/Aids owing to shortage of the rubber sheaths.

She said that there are claims that some youth use outlawed plastic bags instead of indulging in unprotected sex.

Dr Ndiwa added that the organization will liaise with the ministry of health to have the residents trained on proper use especially of the female condoms and also open an office in the area in order to ensure that the exercise is sustained.

Local elders attribute this situation to the influx of people flocking the small town and spending nights in the local lodges while on their way to Marsabit, Moyale and Ethiopia and the presence of many soldiers from the many military camps in the area who make friends with local women.

The situation is worsened by ignorance and called upon the health care givers to take initiative to distribute and sensitize the residents on proper use of condoms.

Business and other economic activities in small towns and shopping centres along 270 km Isiolo-Marsabit highway is growing rapidly hence increasing the sexually active population in the various areas.

Many Motorists spend nights in small towns like Archers’ Post, Merille and Laisamis where an increase in the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases has been reported in the recent past.

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