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Karumo TTI gets a new principal

Karumo TTI gets a new principal
April 26, 2019 Eastern Newspaper

Karumo technical training institute has a new principal, thanks to the recent changes made by the national government in regard to the administration of some technical training institutions in Kenya.

Mutembei Kingige-Principal Karumo TTI

50-year old Mutembei Kigige is the new principal at the National Government owned Karumo TTI located in Tigania West Sub-County of Nyambene region. Mutembei took the office after the transfer of the former Principal Mr. John Kimemia who was transferred to Katine TTI in Machakos County.

The new principal told, The Mashariki News, that his focus now is on expanding the programs offered at the institute and vigorously market them through various avenues.

Another key area Mutembei is looking at is the improvement of the physical infrastructure that includes tuition blocks and workshops for training purposes.

‘I have told myself that I must achieve a target of having a population of more than 5000 students by the year 2020 in order to make maximum use of the available resources at this great institution, we are enjoying the goodwill of the government and the local community and nothing will hinder us from working together with my dedicated team to achieve this target’ Mutembei said.

Mutembei was promoted and transferred to Karumo by the Ministry of Education after serving at the Meru National Polytechnic for over 18 years of which seven among them he served as a Deputy Principal.

During his tenure at the polytechnic Mutembei was instrumental in scaling the heights of education and improving on the service delivery when he was a team leader in performance contracting, Meru Poly was able to achieve ISO Certifications, ISO- 9001-2008 certification and ISO – 9001-2015 certification.

Mutembei who is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in finance management, says his achievement has been possible as a result of great support from the Meru National Polytechnic’s Chief Principal Mr. Geoffrey Rukunja and his colleagues who embraced a culture of working together.

He says he has already started completing the projects left by his predecessor and initiating new ones to ensure that students who are their main clients are comfortable and benefit from the resources available at Karumo TTI.

Since its establishment, Karumo TTI has been very instrumental in the development of vocational and technical training not only in the Nyambene region but also in other parts of Meru county and the neighboring counties. It offers courses at artisan, certificate and diploma levels in the areas of building technology, electrical and electronics, civil engineering, ICT, hospitality, business, agriculture, and other related areas.

The institute prides itself with modern infrastructure and fully equipped workshops for all the departments with enough, staff, training aids and connectivity to facilities like water, electricity, and internet.

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