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Embu chiefs to fast track tree planting activities

Embu chiefs to fast track tree planting activities
March 25, 2019 Eastern Newspaper
Credit KNA

The  Embu County Commissioner (CC), Abudillahi  Galgalo has said no death related to drought has been reported in the region.

Galgalo  who  was speaking during International Day of Forests said the drought situation in the county was not severe, but added plans are underway to supply relief food to areas hard hit by drought.

“These frequent dry spells have been mainly contributed by environment degradation through destruction of trees. However, the government is geared towards achieving 10 per cent forest cover by 2022,” noted Galgalo.

He further noted that for the government to achieve the 10 per cent forest cover there should be concerted efforts by government agencies and other stakeholders, including the citizens.

Galgalo instructed chiefs and their assistants to ensure they fast track planting of over 5, 000 trees in their all sub locations; “Ensure the trees are established and taken care of,” he added.

On drunkenness, he urged residents to support efforts of the administration and security agencies in ensuring the menace is contained.

“Muguka consumption in the county is high and alarming and we are sitting on a time bomb whose effects will be realized when it is too late,” he noted.

He urged parents not to allow their children get engaged in muguka business as doing so would adversely affect their education.

Galgalo also noted cases of suicide has gone up in the county, urging the religious leaders, chiefs and others stakeholders to offer give guidance and encouragement to those who are affected.

The  Area  Ecosystem Conservator, Monicah Ndirangu, urged residents to ensure they comply with the government directives on logging and also embrace culture of environmental conservation.

The event which was held at Camp Ndunda in Njukiri village was graced by staff from Kenya Wild Life, Kenya Forest Service and Prison among others.

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