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Mashariki Communications Centre
Meru-Maua Road
Main Telephone: +254 797 372 837
Postal Address: P. O. Box 747-60200, Meru, Kenya


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Author archive for Eastern Newspaper

  • Apr252019

    Tharaka Nithi’s sports unsung hero

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    By Anthony Mukasa Any mention of sports heroes brings to our mind, great sportsmen,managers-coaches, sponsors and other sports administrators. However,…

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  • Apr252019

    Lapsset suffers another setback

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    Land adjudication along the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset) corridor in Meru County has suffered a setback after residents disowned…

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  • Apr252019

    Government alarmed by cases of people eating dogs in Tigania

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    The Government has a raised a red flag on the issue of residents of Karama area in Tigania East sub-county…

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  • Apr252019

    University of Embu to generate own electricity

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    The University of Embu has initiated a plan to generate its own electricity that will be consumed by the institution…

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  • Apr242019

    Home for the elders Coming up in Isiolo

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    Residents of Isiolo Samburu Laikipia and the neighboring counties are set to benefit from a project of a home of…

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  • Apr242019

    Retired officer introduces wonder crop in Meru

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    While visiting Kithoka area in Imenti North sub-county of Meru county, one comes across a unique piece of land at…

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  • Apr242019

    New media houses for Tharaka Nithi

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    Residents of Chuka, Maara and Tharaka region are being treated to new content of broadcasting, thanks to the newly launched…

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  • Apr242019

    Merille town in slumber as residents cry for infrastructure

    1 Comment

    Despite the increased activities along the relatively new Isiolo-Marsabit-Moyale Highway, the once bustling Merille Township is still in slumber. While…

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  • Apr242019

    Roads in Chuka and other areas to be upgraded

    1 Comment

    The Tharaka Nithi County government has started the construction of roads in Chuka and other parts of the county to…

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  • Apr242019

    Using rocks to harvest rainwater to quench thirst for Tharaka people

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    To alleviate a biting shortage of water in the drier parts of Tharaka, Tharaka Nithi Government has allocated funds for…

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